Ciclo di eventi "Conosci la Bulgaria" - sabato 8 aprile

  • Data: 08 aprile 2017 dalle 09:00 alle 10:40

  • Luogo: Palazzo Montanari, Corso della Repubblica 136, Aula 1 - dalle 9:00 alle 10:40

Ciclo di eventi “Conosci la Bulgaria?” 2017

Sabato 8 aprile


History, Present and Prospects of Bulgarian Language and Culture Teaching at Saint Petersburg State University

Saint Petersburg State University is the oldest higher educational establishment in Russia. It was founded in 1724. Throughout its two hundred and ninety years of existence the University proved to be one of the best Universities in Russia. The beginning of the University Slavistics was established in 1835 when Nikolay I approved of the new statute of Russian Universities on the basis of which at the four Russian Universities – the Saint Petersburg University, the Moscow University , the Kharkiv University  and the Kazan University – faculties of history and literature of Slavonic languages were found. Nowadays the faculty of Slave philology at the Saint Petersburg State University is one of the most popular and most rapidly developing centers of Bulgarian civilization not only in Russian but in the whole world. Bulgarian civilization at the Saint Petersburg State University is a faculty with rich history. The Slave philology department of the Faculty of Philology of the Saint Petersburg State University is an actively operating scientific and teaching center. The tradition to invite a lecturer from Bulgaria dates back to the year 1976.

STOYANOVA Radostina, PhD, has been lecturing classes in Bulgarian language, literature and civilization at the Saint Petersburg State University since 2012. She has taught Bulgarian language at the Universities of Moscow, Russia, Erevan, Armenia. She was a guest lecturer of the program ERASMUS at the Szczecin University, Poland, and the University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovak Republic.

La conferenza sarà tenuta in bulgaro e russo.


Bulgaria in Romania: Past and Present

The river Danube functions as an ethnical border between Bulgarians and Romanians. This text describes the Bulgarian presence over the northern side of the river. Life and deeds of Bulgarian churchmen that contributed to the creation of the culture in the medieval Romanian principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia will be analysed. During the Ottoman suzerainty ancient Bulgarian culture spread to the territories of both principalities through migrations, books and relics. In the 19th century Bucarest became the cultural, economic and revolutionary center for Bulgarians. Bulgarian studies and Bulgarian language status in Romania and the activity of the Bulgarian lecturer in Bucarest University will be briefly presented hereafter.


GRIGOROV Grigor, PhD, teaches at the Cultural Studies Department at South-West University "Neofit Rilski" in Blagoevgrad. He has worked as Bulgarian language and culture lecturer at Bucarest University since 2012, at Minsk University in Belarus in 2008/09 and at Comrat State University in Moldova in 2004/06. His researches are mainly focused on Ancient Bulgarian Studies, Ethnology and Culture of Bulgarian communities abroad.

La conferenza sarà tenuta in bulgaro e russo.


E-learning of Bulgarian language for foreigners:

The increased extension of the Internet in the teaching process requires an intense review and adaptation of the traditional approaches in e-learning of a foreign language. Comprehension, challenge and objectives is the proposed approach in this basic course of Bulgarian language for Italians on the internet platform, developed under a project of the Faculty of Slavic Philology at Sofia University "St. Kl. Ohridski” within the OP "Human Resources Development". The elements and the arrangement of the interactive language course in the context of Bulgarian language teaching has been respected. A symbiosis between content and methodology woven into the carefully selected organization of the course has been achieved. The proposed course is designed for lecturers and teachers, who, using the available resources either fully or partially, can create their own personalized course.  The resources and approach found in the course are under constant revision and where necessary, will be updated and upgraded.  Translation into other languages will also be implemented in the future.

ASSENOVA Assia, PhD, Chief Assist. Prof. Teaches Bulgarian as Foreign Language, Faculty of Slavic Studies, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. Lecturer of Bulgarian language, culture and literature at “Ca’ Foscari”, University of Venice at present.

La conferenza sarà tenuta in bulgaro e russo.


Тhe Bulgarian School in Milan and its Poetry Workshop

Un po' di storia. Come e perché la Scuola Bulgara a Milano. I nostri punti di forza e le opportunità per gli alunni, insegnanti e genitori. La nostra strada: da dove siamo partiti e dove vogliamo arrivare. L'esperienza straordinaria di creare la poesia al confine di due lingue. Presentazione di poesia create dai nostri alunni in due lingue: bulgaro e italiano. Le potenzialità linguistiche dei nostri figli.

HRISTOVA Gergana si laurea in Filologia bulgara preso l'Università di Sofia "St.Kliment Ohridski"nel 2000. Si trasferisce in Italia nel 2001 dove, attraverso un percorso professionale caratterizzato da esperienza diverse diventa insegnante di ruolo della lingua bulgara e letteratura presso la Scuola Europea di Varese. Da sempre legata alle tradizioni della sua terra decide di creare un polo di aggregazione dei bulgari radicati sul territorio di Milano e della Lombardia al fine di garantire alle famiglie miste il contatto costante con la cultura e la tradizione dei Balcani.
Mossa da questi intenti quindi fonda la Scuola Bulgara a Milano che oggi conduce le sue attività nell’ambito dell’ Associazione Centro linguistico e culturale QUI BULGARIA con sede a Milano. Da sempre responsabile didattico della Scuola ed ora presidente della citata Associazione si dedica da anni alla conservazione delle tradizioni. Da quattro e due anni è anche orgogliosa mamma di due bambini italobulgari.

La conferenza sarà tenuta in bulgaro.